6 New Years Resolutions / Goals for Paddlers

Dec 31, 2019

Here are 6 New Years Resolutions/ Goals for Paddlers in 2020:

Don’t just paddle by- Pick it up:

Next time you see a piece of trash at the put-in, pick it up and take it home. Even if you’re on the river and find a piece of plastic floating in an Eddie, simply put it in your life jacket pocket and remember to properly throw it away later. You’ll feel better about yourself knowing you’ve made your favorite play spot a little cleaner and more welcoming for others.

Write down your paddling goals: 

Whether it’s feeling comfortable rolling in Whitewater or running your first waterfall, write a list of goals you want to accomplish on the water this year. It’s scientifically proven that by writing down your goals you’re more likely to achieve them.

Try something new:

Maybe you're a kayaker, this year try (at least for an afternoon) to get out of your kayak and try something new on the river. Maybe it's getting in a friends canoe or on a stand-up paddleboard for the first time. It will only expand your knowledge on the water and worst-case scenario you have a couple laughs with friends.

Introduce a friend to the water: 

Maybe you have a friend that's always said they would love to give kayaking a try or mentioned they wanted to go rafting. Take a day this year to bring them out on the water with you, make a deal with them- you're in charge of fun on the water and they're in charge of beer after. It will make their day and maybe they will end up getting their own boat and joining you on the water regularly!

Go to a community event:

Enter in a local kayaking charity race or volunteer with a river clean up. Get involved in your paddling community and expand your list of paddling friends!

Reusable water bottles:

We all know we should ditch the single-use plastic water bottles, so start this year off with getting yourself a colorful water bottle and maybe some Level Six stickers for decoration. Extra points if you start filling up a thermos with coffee at the local coffee shop rather than using one of their plastic cups!

Let us know in the comments what your paddling resolutions are!

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